Money Back Guarantee Programme - Aveya IVF

IVF Money Refund Program Giving you Financial Piece of Mind! Our fertility guarantee programs are designed with one goal in mind: getting you pregnant! Knowing you’ll stay within a set budget will give you peace of mind and lead to decreased stress during the treatment cycles. We are invested in our patients’ futures and committed to making sure our patients achieve their goal of having a family. This is why we offer our patients who were not able to conceive, a money back guarantee . Aveya IVF Center’s Money Refund Program We are confident about the quality and success of our fertility treatments. We are the only practice in India offering eligible patients a guarantee that they will become pregnant or receive a 100 percent refund on their treatment costs (minus the cost of the medications). Program Highlights: Eligible patients can undergo up to 3 IVF treatments – with the ability to use all of their frozen embryos if needed – providing the best chance to have a baby using t...