Fertility Treatment Types - Aveya IVF

There are several types of fertility treatments depending on the exact nature and underlying causes of your infertility. Broadly speaking, there are a few categories of fertility treatments to choose from. Below we will discuss the various aspects of each fertility treatment types in detail. Medications There are specific medications that are used to promote ovulation in women who have problems ovulating naturally. Surgical Procedure The chances of conceiving successfully are greatly enhanced when laparoscopic surgery is employed to remove the scar tissue that is caused by endometriosis and pelvic infections. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) This fertility technique involves the positioning of sperm directly into the uterus at the time of ovulation which reduces the distance that the sperm must travel in order to reach the egg to fertilize it. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) This involves the sperm and egg positioned in close proximity to each other which allows for faster fert...